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Founding/Developer              Team

Charlena Dixon

Curriculum Planner

Charlena (CEO) is a TEFL teacher with years of experience teaching online and in classrooms using Common Core State Standards and Project-based learning to excel student learning. This native speaking Kindergarten-6th grade educator volunteers as a Children's ministry teacher at her church. SpiritED was inspired by her children's need to engage with the Bible in a fun, interactive way! 

Berry Ijmker

Game Designer

Berry has a passion for gaming and Jesus. Smash the both together and you get his company and brainchild,Biinogames & Creative Buro. There he crafts original games,some Bible based and some that are just for casual fun! Berry started his website because of the lack of christian & bible games online. With this website he wanted to create a safe environment for children to play games. SpiritED stole him away from his work just for a bit to work on making engaging games for your little ones.


Web Design

The good folks at are looking forward to designing a rich and engaging website with all the bells and whistles. SpiritED is looking forward to them doing that very soon. is presented by the same team behind's Coolest College Startup of 2014.

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